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Types of Palm Wine produced in Enugu Ezike, Nigeria.

In Enugu state of Nigeria, the Nsukka people are well known for their Okpa food delicacy and Palm wine (called nkwu in Igbo).

Nkwu-Enu (up-wine) and Ekpo, Ngoro, Àtan (down-wine)

Palm wine, as noted in our earlier post, is a lucrative business product and there are handfuls of tappers that took tapping it as their occupation.

Types of Palm Wine Produced in Igbo Eze North (Enugu-Ezike).

There are basically two types of palm wine produced in Igbo Nsukka:Up-wine(called Nkwu-Enu in Igbo) and Down-wine(called Ekpo, nkwu-ani,etc in Igbo and Àtan in Benin Republic).

Similarities and differences between up and down palm wine.

The physical appearance of the two types of Palm Wine tapped in Enugu Ezike are the same. They are all white in color. Both of them contains alchohol. They also ferment beginning from the time they were produced.
Despite the similarities, up-wine differs from down-wine. Just as their names imply, the up-wine is the type of Palm wine produced from the flower of a life Palm tree. The tapper tapps the wine off the Palm tree without felling it. Tall Palm trees have to be climbed before they could be tapped. The down-wine on the other hand is tapped from felled Palm trees.
Not only that, Palm wine of this sort is tapped from the soft stem of the Palm tree. Another thing that distinguishes nkwu enu from Ekpo or Àtan is their rate of fermentation.
Whereas up-wine has high level of rapid fermentation that makes makes it stronger and sour within 24hours of production, down-wine stays up to 4days before before it becomes too sour due to its low rate of fermentation.
In Ezike Oba, both type of Palm wine are available. Their prices are not the same too. Down-wine is cheaper than up-wine. If a gallon of up-palm-wine is #4,000, a gallin of down-palm-wine could be sold at 1500 or 2000 naira.

You can book for Quality Ezike Palm Wine with us and we will ship it to your destination within Nigeria.

Contact us through:





  1. Hello,

    If you want to go into palm wine business, There are so many company website this days like that will enable you as a beginner to raise fund to start up your palm wine business without you seeking for a loan.

    This company is where many business dealers from different part of the world raise fund to backup their various businesses financially.

    I used this company to backup my cocoa beans export business each time my business is running down financially.

    You can visit and register with the company website here to raise funds to start up your palm wine business now.


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