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Showing posts from July, 2018

Nsukka (Ezike Oba) Palm Wine in the face of Pandemics

Ezike Palm Wine is Available During Pandemics: Drink Responsibly! Warning: Pandemics are Deadly! Stay Safe! Oftentimes in the history of mankind, pandemics disrupt human activities and render various businesses dysfunctional. Three evils face man in such precarious time: sickness, death and poverty. During the outbreak of influenzas,novel viruses, etc people are usually restricted from congregating and engaging in other social activities. Curfews are often declared and many businesses are shutdown. Palm Wine business faces the same challenges as other businesses in the face of war against pandemics but the effect on it is not as egregious as some businesses. In Enugu state of Nigeria, Ezike people taps quality palm wine. Many men in the geopolitical zone depends solely on their palm wine tapping profession. What do you think would be their fate when lockdown and curfew is declared by the government? Poverty, starvation, death! That is why they flout government orders and contin